After development of Frantics the studio producer had some ideas about how to improve the gameplay loop of Frantics which made it so players didn't spent as much time playing the actual game. These ideas gave birth to Chimparty. This time there are up to 4 monkeys doing their monkey stuf in up to 90 minigames trying to monkey each other over... so yeah, very monkeyful.
My involvement was from the very start. I helped the Lead to create the initial prototype, looking for the fun to proof the game to Sony and then laid base to many more minigames, implementing their initial mechanic, AI, their variants in different themes, sometimes creating tools for game designers or animators and communicating with testers and stakeholders.
Thanks to the "party game engine" we had developed for Frantics, the game could be developed in about a year from early prototype to final polished version ready to be shipped. It was fascinating feat for the whole team to see the cooperation of all departments come together to create a game the we ourselves were playing and enjoying on daily basis.
After Chimparty, there were several prototypes we developed in Napnok (3rd persion action adventure, VR FPS, mixed reality game) and which I took part of getting my hands on different technologies (Unity ECS & Burst, Networking, IoC and DI, IPhone and Android development).